Dr Sarah Hoover
NUI Galway, WP2
Dr Sarah Hoover is a Postdoctoral Researcher on the CLS INFRA project. Sarah was previously a lecturer at the School of Film, Music and Theatre at University College Cork and at the School of English and Creative Arts at the University of Galway. Her forthcoming monograph Larping Audiences into Theatre: Strategies of Reflective Affective Dramaturgy will be published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2024. She is also a professional dramaturg, working with companies such as Eva’s Echo and Game Theory Theatre as well as playwrights and performance artists including Esther Almazan, Jenni Nikinmaa and Charlotte Gallagher. Sarah was a researcher on the Visioning The Future project identifying best practices in artistic research pedagogy (UCC 2021) and the BodyVAR ERC Consolidator proposal (UCC 2022). Email: sarah.hoover@nuigalway.ie