Spring 2023: Team changes
During the Winter and Spring of 2023 CLS INFRA experienced several staffing changes. We would like to congratulate Lisanne Van Rossums (WP4) for her acceptance of a new role, Dr Ciara L. Murphy for her acceptance of a Lectureship at Dundalk Institute of Technology, and Dr Justin Tonra for his acceptance of the new role of Academic Integrity Officer at the University of Galway.
We would also like to welcome these new team members to CLS INFRA: Dr Sarah Hoover, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Moore Institute, University of Galway (Work Package 2), Anna Dijkstra at the Huygens Institute (Work Package 4) and Dr Emily Ridge at the University of Galway (Work Package 2). Find out more about our team here.

CLS INFRA Training School
Digging For Gold
UNED, Madrid, 9-11 May 2023
From Stylometry to Natural Language Processing, participants completed their own analyses and visualisations of the results in a hands-on way. We worked with existing code that is plug and play, so it was not necessary to have existing experience in Python or R. Most of all, it was a fun and safe environment to boost textual analysis skills.
See what our participants had to say about the Training School in our video.
Recent project deliverables

Joint STatement on ukraine
We, scholars from more than 30 European countries, express our full support for Ukraine which is suffering from the Russian invasion. This invasion is happening in today’s Europe, where we live and work.
Ukraine is part of the European scholarly community and we stand by our Ukrainian colleagues. It is utterly heartbreaking and unacceptable that such an invasion can happen. We have been working together closely, productively, and successfully for many years with colleagues across Europe, including in Ukraine and Russia, in scholarly projects, initiatives, conferences and associations. We value this collaboration brought about by shared scholarly values and mutual respect.
We urge our governments to take a decisive stance and act now to stop the terror and bloodshed inflicted on Ukrainians. In response to the Russian invasion we call for the following:
- together with NATO allies, introduce a no-fly zone over Ukraine, effective immediately, to stop Russian airstrikes on civilian areas;
- implement full-scale economic sanctions, including exclusion from SWIFT, more visa bans and asset freezes on Kremlin-linked figures and companies;
- continue to support Ukraine with weapons, protective equipment, fuel, and whatever else necessary to counter the biggest army on the continent;
- continue to support the humanitarian effort to help the Ukrainian people.
We also urge the European Commission, the COST Association, as well as national governments and research funding agencies across Europe to swiftly prepare funding schemes to support Ukrainian researchers and sustain their presence within the European Research Area.
Scholars of the COST Action “Distant Reading for European Literary History” and of the Horizon 2020 project “Computational Literary Studies Infrastructure”
Слава Україні! / Glory and peace to Ukraine!
(February 26, 2022. Text based on a statement by the COST Action NEP4Dissent.)

Supports for ukrainian scholars
In support of researchers and scholars directly affected by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, we have compiled a Twitter thread of practical supports in the Digital Humanities and beyond to assist colleagues.

In our first CLS INFRA Newsletter you will find news and updates from the CLS INFRA community, including information on upcoming events, current activities, and project progress.
If you would like to subscribe to our quarterly newsletter, you can do so here.