Dr Julie M. Birkholz
Ghent University & KBR - Royal Library of Belgium
Dr. Julie M. Birkholz is Assistant Professor Digital Humanities at Ghent University and Lead of KBR’s- Royal Library of Belgium’s Digital Research Lab. Her research expertise is in historical social network analysis, but more broadly developing digital workflows to afford digital humanities research. From 2017 – 2020 she was a DH Fellow on the ERC Agents of Change Research project WeChangEd, investigating the historical networks of women editors, periodicals and organizations in Europe, as well as the research data manager for the linked open data of the bibliographic information of these editors. From 2014 – 2017 she was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Centre for Higher Education Governance Ghent, researching the identification of social networks through web data. She holds a doctorate in Organization Sciences from the VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Email: julie.birkholz@ugent.be