TNA Fellow Khanim Garayeva

Calculation of similarities or distances in Peter Ackroyd’s historiographic metafictions and lexical diversity in Dan Brown’s straightforward storytelling.

Literary theoretician and Ackroyd scholar, Susana Onega resembles Peter Ackroyd’s historiographic metafictions to North American “fabulation” and Spanish-American “magic realism.” However, I have doubts as Peter Ackroyd’s novels cannot be termed any closer to ‘realism.’ Therefore, I would like to create a reference corpus consisting of the texts belonging to the former two sub-genres and calculate the similarities or distances between them and my primary corpus. In terms of Brown’s novels, I would like to study the lexical diversity in them and observe the changes, if they happened, with time – from his first novel to the last one. Before becoming a best-selling author, Dan Brown has already been publishing novels. Thus, I would like to explore if criticism of his writing style or his later books’ worldwide acknowledgment has caused any transformations in his texts.